Page #2: A note on Pandora, she’d joined the team as I thought that Al & Al might be more salable with a bit of cheesecake added… This was before I started thinkin’ about a Cutey Bunny comix, though she does do a cameo in the story…
While this is the first Space Gopher story to see print, it’s actually the second to be completed – their first story has never been printed (somehow, just never got around to it)… This is also Pandora’s first appearance…
And now for page #2 of the first Cutey Bunny story to see print , (Not the best plot I’ve ever written)… the final gag is dependent upon knowing that Ronald Reagan, a senile old coot, who at the time, was doing president impressions (while also being up to his turkey neck in, Iran-Scam) had been in a former career, a B-actor, featured in such forgettable flix as “Bedtime for Bonzo,” “Girls on Probation,” “Hellcats of the Navy,” …Not to mention that late-night TV “classic”, “Bonzo goes to college,” where at times, it can be somewhat difficult to tell the Chimp from the Chump…